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Journal Articles
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Journal Articles

Transient spectroscopy of Frenkel excitons in alpha-hexathiophene single crystals
Chemical Physical Letters 326, 558 - 566, 2000
S. V. Frolov, C. Kloc, S. Berg, G. A. Thomas, B. Batlogg
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA


Laterally Coupled Quartz Resonators
Analytical Chemistry 2001, 73,1140-1145
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Enhanced physical properties in a pentacene polymorph
Angewandte Chemie-international edition, 40 (9): 1732-1736 2001
Siegrist T, Kloc C, Schon JH, Batlogg B, Haddon RC, Berg S, Thomas GA
Bell Labs, Lucent Technol, 600 Mt Ave, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Persistent photoconductivity in single crystals of the high temperature polymorph of a-sexithiophene
Synthetic Metals 123, 125 (2001).
J.H. Schön, S. Berg, Ch. Kloc, B. Batlogg
Bell Labs, Lucent Technol, 600 Mt Ave, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA
Max Planck Institute for Polmyer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


High-frequency measurementes of interfacial friction using quartz crystal resonators integrated into a surface forces apparatus
Physical Review E 65 (2), 026119 (2002)
S. Berg, M. Ruths, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Department of Physical Chemistry, Abo Akademi University, Abo, Finland


Frequency response of a quartz crystal shear-resonator during an adhesive, elastic contact in a surface forces apparatus
Journal of Applied Physics 92 (11), 6905 (2002)
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann, M. Ruths
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Department of Physical Chemistry, Abo Akademi University, Abo, Finland


Non-linear contact mechanics based on ring-down experiments with quartz crystal resonators
Rev. Sci. Instr. 74 (1), 118 (2003) - PDF
S. Berg, T. Prellberg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Technical University of Clausthal, Germany


Quartz Crystal Resonators with Atomically Smooth Surfaces for Use in Contact Mechanics
Rev. Sci. Instr. 74 (8), 3845 (2003) - PDF
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann, M. Ruths
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
presently at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Technical University of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Department of Physical Chemistry, Abo Akademi University, Abo, Finland


Combining SPR and QCM for the in situ investigation of the electropolymerization and doping/dedoping of poly(pyrrole)
J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (28): 6743-6747 (2003) - PDF
A. Bund, A. Baba, S. Berg, D. Johannsmann, J. Lübben, Z. Wang, W. Knoll
Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Dresden, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Technical University of Clausthal, Germany


Nonlinearities in contact mechanics experiments with quartz crystal resonators
Surface Science 541 (1-3), 225-233, 2003
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Technical University of Clausthal, Germany


High speed microtribology with quartz crystal resonators
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (14), 145505 (2003) - PDF
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Technical University of Clausthal, Germany


Falling Snow & Lava Plumes: Drainage Patterns in Soap Films
Annual Gallery of Fluid Motion, Physics of Fluids 16(9), S6, 2004
S. Berg, E. A. Adelizzi, S. M. Troian
Microfluidic Research & Engineering Laboratory
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA


Experimental Study of Entrainment and Drainage Flows in Microscale Soap Films
Langmuir 21(9), 3867, (2005) PDF
S. Berg, E. A. Adelizzi, S. M. Troian
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA


Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media with Slip Boundary Condition
Transport in Porous Media, Volume 74, Number 3 / September, 275-292, 2008.
S. Berg, A.W. Cense, J.P. Hofman, R.M.M. Smits
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.


Surfactant Spreading Along Liquid-Liquid Interfaces
Physics of Fluids 21 (3) 032105 (2009)
S. Berg
Shell International Exploration and Production


Direct Experimental Evidence of Wettability Modification by Low Salinity
Petrophysics 51(5), 314-322, October 2010
with figure on the title page of the 2010 October issue.
S. Berg, A. W. Cense, E. Jansen, K. Bakker
Shell International Exploration and Production


Miscible displacement of oils by carbon disulfide in porous media: Experiments and analysis
Physics of Fluids 22, 113102 (2010)
S. Berg, S. Oedai, A. J. Landman, N. Brussee, M. Boele, R. Valdez, K. van Gelder
Shell International Exploration and Production


Comparison of two-phase Darcy's law with a thermodynamically consistent approach
Transport in Porous Media: Volume 88, Issue 1 (2011), p. 133
J. Niessner, S. Berg, S. M. Hassanizadeh
Stuttgart University, Shell, University of Utrecht


Displacement and Mass Transfer Between Saturated and Unsaturated CO2-Brine Systems in Sandstone
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 12, 478-492, (2013) (online 24.05.2011)
S. Berg, S. Oedai, H. Ott
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Stability of CO2-Brine Immiscible Displacement
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 11, 188-203 (2012)
S. Berg, H. O. Ott
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Core-flood experiment for transport of reactive fluids in rocks
Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 084501 (2012)
H. Ott, K. de Kloe, M. van Bakel, F. Vos, A. van Pelt, P. Legerstee, A. Bauer, K. Eide, A. van der Linden, S. Berg, and A. Makurat
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Real-time 3D imaging of Haines jumps in porous media flow
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 110 (10), 3755-3759 (2013) -- press release
S.Berg, H. Ott, S. A. Klapp, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, J.-O. Schwarz, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut


Pore-Scale micro-CT Imaging: Non-Wetting Phase Cluster Size Distribution During Drainage and Imbibition
Physical Review E 88(3), 033002, 2013
A. Georgiadis, S. Berg, G. Maitland, A. Makurat, H. Ott
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College, London


Interfacial velocities and capillary pressure gradients during Haines jumps
Physical Review E 88, 043010, 2013
R. T. Armstrong, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore-scale mobilization of non-wetting phase ganglia and critical capillary number for onset of macroscopic capillary desaturation
Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 1-6, 2014 doi:10.1002/2013GL058075
R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, D. Klemin, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Schlumberger Rservoir Laboratories


Kinetics of Low Salinity Flooding Effect
SPE Journal 20(1), 8-20, Feb. 2015, 165255-PA, online since 2014
H. Mahani, S. Berg, D. Ilic, W.-B. Bartels, V. Joekar-Niasar
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk
University of Utrecht


Direct Hydrodynamic Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock
Petrophysics 55(4), 294-303, 2014
D. Koroteev, O. Dinariev, N. Evseev, D. Klemin, A. Nadeev, S. Safonov, O. Gurpinar, S. Berg, C. van Kruijsdijk, R. Armstrong, M. T. Myers, L. Hathon, H. de Jong
Schlumberger Moscow Research
Shlumberger Reservoir Characterization Group
Shell Global Solutions International


Multiphase flow in porous rock imaged under dynamic flow conditions with fast X-ray computed microtomography
Petrophysics 55 (4), 304-312, 2014 - with image on title page
S. Berg, R. Armstrong, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, S. A. Klapp, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, J.-O. Schwarz, M. Wolf, F. Khan, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut


Fast X-ray micro-tomography of multi-phase flow in Berea sandstone: a sensitivity study on image processing
Transport in Porous Media 105 (2) 451-469, 2014
L. Leu, S. Berg, F. Enzmann, R. T. Armstrong, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia


Sub-second pore scale displacement processes and relaxation dynamics in multiphase flow
Water Resources Research 52(12), 9162–9176, 2014
R. T. Armstrong, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, M. Ruecker, A. Schwing, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia


Modeling the velocity field during Haines jumps in porous media
Advances in Water Resources 77, 57-68, 2015
R. T. Armstrong, N. Evseev, D. Koroteev, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales, Australia
Schlumberger Moscow Research


Onset of Oil Mobilization and Non-wetting Phase Cluster Size Distribution
Petrophysics 56(1), 15-22, 2015
S. Berg, M. Rücker, R. Amstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia


Insights into the Mechanism of Wettability Alteration by Low-Salinity-Flooding (LSF) in Carbonates
Energy & Fuels 29(3), 1352-1367, 2015
H. Mahani, A. Keya, S. Berg, W.-B. Bartels, R. Nasralla, W. Rossen
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
TU Delft


Nano-scale Imaging of Pore-scale Fluid-Fluid-Solid Contacts in Sandstone
Geophysical Research Letters 42, 2189-2195, 2015
J. Schmatz, J. L. Urai, S. Berg, H. Ott
RWTH Aachen, Germany Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


From Connected Pathway Flow to Ganglion Dynamics
Geophysical Research Letters 42, 3888-3894, 2015
M. Rücker, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia


Capillary saturation and de-saturation
Physical Review E 92, 063023, 2015.
R. Hilfer, R. T. Armstrong, S. Berg, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott
ICP, University of Stuttgart, Germany
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Shell Global Solutions International


Connected Pathway Relative Permeability from Pore Scale Imaging of Imbibition
Advances in Water Resources 90, 24-35, 2016.
S. Berg, M. Rücker, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, H. van der Linde, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten, R. T. Armstrong, S. de With, J. Becker, A. Wiegmann
Shell Global Solutions International, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
Geosciences Institute, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Imperial College London, UK
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Math2Market GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany


Modeling of pore-scale two-phase flow phenomena using density functional hydrodynamics
Transport in Porous media 112(3), 577-607, 2016.
N. Evseev, R. T. Armstrong, S. Berg, O. Dinariev, D. Klemin, D. Koroteev, S. Safonov
Schlumberger Moscow Research
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore scale displacement mechanisms as a source of hysteresis for two-phase flow in porous media
Water Resources Research 52(3), 2194-2205 2016.
S. Schlüter, S. Berg, M. Rücker, R. T. Armstrong, H.-J. Vogel, R. Hilfer and D. Wildenschild
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UF, Halle, Germany
Oregon State University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
University of Stuttgart


Electrokinetics of Carbonate-Brine Interface in Low-Salinity-Waterflooding: Effect of Brine Salinity, Composition, Rock Type and pH on Zeta-Potential and A Surface Complexation Model
SPE Journal 22(01), 1-16, 2016. SPE-181745-PA
H. Mahani, A. Levy Keya, S. Berg, R. Nasralla
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Beyond Darcy's law: The Role of Phase Topology and Ganglion Dynamics for Two Fluid Flow
Physical Review E 94, 043113, 2016
R. T. Armstrong, J. E. McClure, M. A. Berrill, M. Rücker, S. Schlüter, S. Berg
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Imperial College London
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Atomic Force Spectroscopy Using Colloidal Tips Functionalized with Dried Crude Oil: A Versatile Tool to Investigate Oil–Mineral Interactions
Energy & Fuels 30(11), 9193-9202, 2016.
L. Dickinson, B. Suijkerbuijk, S. Berg, F. Marcelis, H. Schniepp
College of William and Mary
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Oil Configuration under High Salinity and Low Salinity Conditions at Pore Scale: A Parametric Investigation Using a Single-Channel Micro-model
SPE Journal SPE-181386-PA DOI 10.2118/181386-PA
W.-B. Bartels, H. Mahani, S. Berg, R. Menezes, J. A. van der Hoeven, A. Fadili
Utrecht University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. Delft University of Technology


Shear rate determination from pore scale flow fields
Transport in Porous Media 117(2), 229-246, 2017.
S. Berg, J. van Wunnik
Shell Global Solutions International, Rijswijk, The Netherlands


Flow Regimes During Immiscible Displacement
Petrophysics 58(1), 10-18, 2017.
R.T. Armstrong, J.E. McClure, M.A. Berill, M. Rücker, S. Schlüter, and S. Berg
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Advanced Research Computing, Virginia Tech, USA
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Imperial College, London
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany
Shell Global Solutions International, The Netherlands


Fast X-Ray Micro-CT study of the Impact of Brine Salinity on the Pore-scale Fluid Distribution during Waterflooding
Petrophysics 58(1), 36-47, 2017.
W.-B. Bartels, M. Rücker, S. Berg, H. Mahani, A. Georgiadis, A. Fadili, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, C. Hinz, A. Jacob, C. Wagner, S. Henkel, F. Enzmann, A. Bonnin, M. Stampanoni, H. Ott, M. Blunt, S.M. Hassanizadeh
Shell Global Solutions International B.V., The Netherlands
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Imperial College London, UK
Geosciences Institute, University of Mainz, Germany
Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Math2Market GmbH, Germany
Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Leoben, Austria
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland


Pore-Scale Characterization of Two-Phase Flow Using Integral Geometry
Transport in Porous Media 118(1), 99-117, 2017.
Z. Liu, A. Herring, A. Sheppard, C. Arns, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Shell Global Solutions International, The Netherlands


Time scales of relaxation dynamics during transient conditions in two-phase flow
Water Resources Research 53(6), 4709-4724, 2017.
S. Schluter, S. Berg, T. Li, H.-J. Vogel, D. Wildenschild
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Halle, Germany
Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
Shell Global Solutions International, The Netherlands
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany


Insights into the impact of temperature on the wettability alteration by low-salinity in carbonate rocks
Energy & Fuels 31(8), 7839-7853, 2017.
H. Mahani, R. Menezes, S. Berg, A. Fadili, R. Nasralla, D. Voskov, V. Joekar-Niasar
Shell Global Solutions International, The Netherlands
Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
University of Manchester, UK


References and Benchmarks for Pore-Scale Flow Simulated Using Micro-CT Images of Porous Media and Digital Rocks
Advances in Water Resources 109, 211-235, 2017.
N. Saxena, R. Hofmann, F. O. Alpak, S. Berg, J. Dietderich, U. Agarwal, K. Tandon, S. Hunter, J. Freeman, O. B. Wilson
Shell International Exploration and Production
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Metarock, Inc.
Shell India


Surfactant variations in porous media localize capillary instabilities during Haines jumps
Physical Review Letters, 120, 028005, 2018.
Y. Edery, S. Berg, D. Weitz
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


A Distributed Parallel Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method on Graphic Processing Units for the Rapid and Scalable Computation of Absolute Permeability from High-Resolution 3D Micro-CT Images
Computational Geosciences 22(3), 815–832, 2018.
F. O. Alpak, F. Gray, N. Saxena, J. Diederich, R. Hofmann, S. Berg
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc., Houston, TX, USA
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Shell Global Solutions International B.V., The Netherlands


Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow on Pore-Scale Images Using the Phase-Field Method
SPE Journal, June 2018, SPE-182606-PA
F. Frank, C. Liu, F. O. Alpak, S. Berg, B. Riviere
Rice University
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc., Houston, TX, USA
Shell Global Solutions International B.V., The Netherlands


Generation of Ground Truth Images to Validate Micro-CT Image Processing Pipelines
The Leading Edge 37(6), 412-420, 2018.
S. Berg, N. Saxena, M. Schaik, C. Pradhan
Shell Global Solutions International B.V., The Netherlands / Imperial College London
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc., Houston, TX, USA
Shell India Ltd., India


A geometric state function for two-fluid flow in porous media
Phys. Rev. Fluids 3(8), 084306, 2018. - preprint - press release
J. E. McClure, R. T. Armstrong, M. A. Berrill, S. Schlüter, S. Berg, W. G. Gray, C. T. Miller
Virginia Tech.
University of New South Wales
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. & Imperial College London
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
University of North Carolina


Prediction of Fluid Topology and Relative Permeability in Imbibition in Sandstone Rock by Direct Numerical Simulation
Advances in Water Resources 122, 49-59, 2018.
F. O. Alpak, S. Berg, I. Zacharoudiou
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London


Literature Review of Low Salinity Waterflooding from a Length and Time Scale Perspective
Fuel 236, 338-353, 2019.
W.-B. Bartels, H. Mahani, S. Berg, S. M. Hassanizadeh
Utrecht University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Upscaling of Digital Rock Porosities by Correlation with Whole-Core CT-Scan Histograms
Petrophysics 59(5), 694-702, 2018.
S. A. Hertel, M. Rydzy, B. Anger, S. Berg, M. Appel, H. de Jong
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Porous Media Characterization Using Minkowski Functionals: Theories, Applications and Future Directions
Transport in Porous Media 130, 305-335, 2019.
R. T. Armstrong, J. E. McClure, V. Robins, Z. Liu, C. H. Arns, S. Schlüter, S. Berg
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2033, Australia
Advanced Research Computing, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4, 06120 Halle, Germany
Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Kesslerpark 1, 2288 GS Rijswijk, The Netherlands
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK


A new waterflood initialization protocol for pore-scale multiphase flow experiments
Petrophysics 60(02), 264-272, 2019.
Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, S. C. Krevor, M. J. Blunt, M. Ruecker, S. Berg, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, A. Georgiadis, O. B. Wilson
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


The Effect of Mixed Wettability on Pore Scale Flow Regimes Based on a Flooding Experiment in Ketton Limestone
Geophysical Research Letters 46(6), 3225-3234, 2019.
M. Ruecker, W.-B. Bartels, K. Singh, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, A. Bonnin, H. Ott, S. M. Hassanizadeh, M. J. Blunt, H. Mahani, A. Georgiadis, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London
Utrecht University
Montanuniversitaet Leoben
Paul Scherrer Institute


Direct Simulation of Pore-Scale Two-Phase Visco-Capillary Flow on Large Digital Rock Images Using a Phase-Field Lattice Boltzmann Method on General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units
Computational Geosciences 23, 849-880, 2019.
F. O. Alpak, I. Zacharoudiou, S. Berg, J. Dietderich, N. Saxena
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London


Minimal surfaces in porous media: pore-scale imaging of multiphase flow in an altered-wettability Bentheimer sandstone
Phys. Rev. E. 99, 063105, 2019, Editor's Suggestion, EartArXiv Preprint
Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, S. Berg, R. Pini, M. J. Blunt, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Imaging of compositional gradients during in-situ emulsification using X-ray micro-tomography
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 550, 159-169, 2019.
E. Unsal, M. Rucker; S. Berg; W.-B. Bartels; A. Bonnin
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London
Paul Scherrer Institute


Imaging spontaneous imbibition in full Darcy-scale samples at pore-scale resolution by fast X-ray tomography
Water Resources Research 55(8), 7072-7085, 2019.
W.-B. Bartels, M. Ruecker, M. Boone, T. Bultreys, H. Mahani, S. Berg, S.M. Hassanizadeh, V. Cnudde
Utrecht University
Imperial College London
Ghent University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Using atomic force spectroscopy to study oil/mineral interactions at reservoir temperatures and pressures
Fuel 259(1), 116194, 2020.
W. Dickinson, J. Aravind, S. Higgins, S. Berg, B. Suijkerbuijk, H. Schniepp
College of William and Mary
Wright State University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


An efficient numerical algorithm for solving viscosity contrast Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes system in porous media
Journal of Computational Physics 400, 108948, 2020.
C. Liu, F. Frank, C. Thiele, F. O. Alpak, S. Berg, W. Chapman, B. Riviere
Rice University
University of Erlangen
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Experimental and numerical investigation of wormholing during CO2 storage and Water Alternating Gas injection
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 94, 102901, 2019.
J. Snippe, S. Berg, K. Ganga, N. Brussee, R. Gdanski
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Relationship between Wetting and Capillary Pressure in a Crude Oil/Brine/rock system: From Nano-Scale to Core-Scale
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 562(7), 159-169, 2020.
M. Ruecker, W.-B. Bartels, G. Garfi, M. Shams, T. Bultreys, M. Boone, S. Pieterse, G. C. Maitland, S. Krevor, V. Cnudde, H. Mahani, S. Berg, A. Georgiadis, P. F. Luckham
Imperial College London
Ghent University Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Solvent-dependent recovery characteristic and asphaltene deposition during solvent extraction of heavy oil
Fuel 263, 116716, 2020.
X. Li, S. Berg, O. Castellanos-Diaz, A. Wiegmann, M. Verlaan
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Math2Market GmbH


Linking continuum-scale state of wetting to pore-scale contact angles in porous media
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 561, 173-180, 2019. - preprint
C. Sun, J. E. McClure, P. Mostaghimi, A. L. Herring, M. Shabaninejad, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
University of New South Wales
Australian National University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


The sensitivity of estimates of multiphase fluid and solid properties of porous rocks to image processing - preprint
Transport in Porous Media 131, 985-1005, 2020.
G. Garfi, C. M. John, S. Berg, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Determination of Critical Gas Saturation by Micro-CT
Petrophysics 61(2), 133-150, 2020.
S. Berg, Y. Gao, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, J. Dietderich, F. O. Alpak, D. Eriksen, M. Mooijer-van den Heuvel, J. Southwick, M. Appel, O. B. Wilson
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
Imperial College London


Probing Effective Wetting in Subsurface Systems
Geophysical Research Letters 47(5), 1-9, 2020.
C. Sun, J. E. McClure, P. Mostaghimi, A. L. Herring, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London


Workflow for upscaling wettabilty from the nano- to core-scales
Petrophysics, 61(2), 189-205, 2020.
M. Ruecker, W.B. Bartels, T. Bultreys, M. Boone, K. Sing, G. Garfi, A. Scanziani, C. Spuri. S. Yesufu, S. Krevor, M. Blunt, O. Wilson, H. Mahani, V. Cnudde, P. Luckham, A. Georgiadis, S. Berg
Imperial College London
Utrecht University
Ghent University
Shell Global Solutions International


Signature of elastic turbulence of viscoelastic fluid flow in a single pore throat
Phys. Rev. E 101(4), 042605, 2020.
E. Eguagie, S. Berg, S. De, A. Fadili, T. Bultreys, M. Ruecker, J. Southwick, J. Crawshaw, P. F. Luckham
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International
Ghent University


Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Study of the Redox Conditions in Sandstones: Impact on Wettability Modification and Mineral Morphology.
Colloids & Surfaces A 597, 124765, 2020.
S. Yesufu-Rufai, F. Marcelis, A. Georgiadis, S. Berg, M. Ruecker, J. van Wunnik, P. Luckham
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


Fluid surface coverage showing the controls of rock mineralogy on the wetting state
Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2019GL086380, 2020.
G. Garfi, C. M. John, Q. Lin, S. Berg, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


Assessing the Wetting State of Minerals in Complex Sandstone Rock In-Situ by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Fuel 273, 117807, 2020.
S. O. Yesufu-Rufai, M. Ruecker, S. Berg, S. F. Lowe, F. Marcelis, A. Georgiadis, P. Luckham
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


Modeling geometric state for fluids in porous media: evolution of the Euler characteristic
Transport in porous media 133, 229-250, 2020.
J. E. McClure, T. Ramstad, Z. Li, R. T. Armstrong, S. Berg
Virginia Tech.
University of New South Wales
Shell Global Solutions International


Verifying pore network models of imbibition in rocks using time-resolved synchrotron imaging
Water Resources Research 56(6), e2019WR026587, 2019. - preprint
T. Bultreys, K. Sing, A. Q. Raeini, L. C. Ruspini, P.-E. Oren, S. Berg, M. Ruecker, B. Bijeljic, M. J. Blunt
Imperial College London
Ghent University
Heriot Watt University
Shell Global Solutions International


Characterization of wetting using topological principles
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 578, 106-115, 2020.
C. Sun, J. E. McClure, P. Mostaghimi, A. L. Herring, D. E. Meisenheimer, D. Wildenschild, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.
Oregon State University.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London


Real-time imaging reveals distinct pore scale dynamics during transient and equilibrium subsurface multiphase flow
Water Resources Research 56(12), e2020WR028287 - data
C. Spurin, T. Bultreys, M. Ruecker, G. Garfi, C. M. Schlepuetz, V. Novak, S. Berg, M. J. Blunt, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Ghent University
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Non-Uniqueness and Uncertainty Quantification of Relative Permeability Measurements by Inverse Modelling
Computers and Geotechnics 132, 103964, 2021.
S. Berg, E. Unsal, H. Dijk
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


What happens in porous media during oil-phase emulsification?
Shell TechXplorer Digest 1, 28-33, 2020
E. Unsal, S. Berg, M. Ruecker
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London


Pore-scale imaging of displacement patterns in an altered-wettability carbonate
Chemical Engineering Science 235, 116464, 2021.
Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, S. Fouroughi, S. Berg, M.J. Blunt
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


The development of intermittent multiphase fluid flow pathways through a porous rock
Advances in Water Resources 150, 103868, 2021.
C. Spurin, T. Bultreys, M. Ruecker, G. Garfi, C. Schlepuetz, V. Novak, S. Berg, M. J. Blunt, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Paul Scherrer Institute
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for parameterization of multi phase flow models
Transport in Porous Media 140(1), 27-57, 2021.
S. Berg, E. Unsal, H. Dijk
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Capillarity and Phase-Mobility of a Hydrocarbon Gas-Liquid System
Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles 76, 43, 2021
Y. Gao, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, J. Dietderich, F. O. Alpak, D. Eriksen, M. Mooijer-van den Heuven, M. Appel, T. Sorop, O.B Wilson, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.


The Origin of Non-Thermal Fluctuations in Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Frontiers in Water 3, 671399, 2021.
M. Ruecker, A. Georgiadis, R. T. Armstrong, H. Ott, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, L. Simon, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten, S. Berg
Imperial College London
Technical University Eindhoven
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales
Montanuniversitaet Leoben
Johannes-Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz


Multiscale Characterization of Wettability in Porous Media
Transport in Porous Media 140, 215-240, 2021.
R. T. Armstrong, C. Sun, P. Mostaghimi, S. Berg, M. Ruecker, P. Luckham, A. Georgiadis, J. E. McClure
University of New South Wales
China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Technical University Eindhoven
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London
Virginia Tech


Thermodynamics of fluctuations based on time-and-space averages
Phys. Rev. E 104(3), 035106, 2021.
J. E. McClure, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Virginia Tech
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales


Capillary fluctuations and energy dynamics for flow in porous media
Physics of Fluids 33(08), 083323, 2021. - featured article
J. E. McClure, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Virginia Tech
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales


Multiscale Digital Rock Analysis for Complex Rocks
Transport in Porous Media 139, 301-325, 2021.
L. C. Ruspini, P. E. Oren, S Berg, S. Masalmeh, T. Bultreys, C. Taberner, T. Sorop, F. Marcelis, M. Appel, J. Freeman, O. B. Wilson
Petricore Norway A.S.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
Shell Abu Dhabi B.V.
Shell Oman
Ghent University


Novel adsorption mechanisms identified for polymer retention in carbonate rocks
JCIS Open 4, 100026, 2021.
E. M.Ekanem, M. Rücker, S. Yesufu-Rufai, C. Spurin, N. Ooi, A. Georgiadis, S. Berg, P. F. Luckham
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Eindhoven Technical University


Universal description of wetting on multiscale surfaces using integral geometry
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 608(3), 2330-2338, 2022
C. Sun, J. McClure, S. Berg, P. Mostaghimi, R. T. Armstrong
China University of Petroleum Beijing
Virginia Tech.
University of New South Wales
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. Imperial College London


The certainty in uncertainty: Quantifying coreflood data errors
Shell TechXPlorer Digest 2, 20-26, 2021
S. Berg, E. Unsal. H. Dijk
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Determination of the spatial distribution of wetting in the pore networks of rocks
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 613, 786-795, 2022.
G. Garfi, C. M. John, M. Rücker, Q. Lin, C. Spurin, S. Berg, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Eindhoven University of Technology
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Towards predicting the onset of elastic turbulence in complex geometries
Transport in Porous Media 143, 151-168, 2022.
E. Ekanem, S. Berg, S. De, A. Fadili, P. Luckham
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Shell India Markets Private Limited


Complex Fluids with Visco-Elastic Rheology for Applications in Oil & Gas Industry
Science Talks, 3, 100036, 2022.
S. De, S. Berg
Shell India Markets Private Limited
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Red noise in steady-state multiphase flow in porous media
Water Resources Research 58(7), e2022WR031947, 2022.
C. Spurin, M. Ruecker, M. Moura, T. Bultreys, G. Garfi, S. Berg, M. J. Blunt, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Technical University Eindhoven
University of Oslo
Ghent University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Relative Permeability as a stationary process: energy fluctuations in immiscible displacement
Physics of Fluids 34, 092011, 2022
J. E. McClure, M. Fan, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, C. F. Berg, Z. Li, T. Ramstad
Virginia Tech.
Oak Ridge National Lab
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
PoreLab, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Australian National University (ANU)


Systematic investigation of corner flow impact in forced imbibition
Water Resources Research 58(10), e2022WR032402, 2022.
Y. Liu, J. Cai, S. Berg, Y. Ju, W. Wi, J. Kou
China University of Petroleum Beijing
China University of Geosciences
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing


Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Analyzing Multi-phase Flow in Porous Media
Advances in Water Resources 175, 104423, 2023.
C. Spurin, R. T. Armstrong, J. McClure, S. Berg
Stanford University
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Effective permeability of an immiscible fluid in porous media determined from its geometric state
Physical Review Fluids 8, 064004, 2023.
F. Al-Zubaidi, P. Mostaghimi, Y. Niu, R. T. Armstrong, G. Mohammadi, J. E. McClure, S. Berg
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Core Analysis in a Changing World
Core Values: the Role of Core in 21st Century Reservoir Characterisation, The Geological Society, London, Special Publications 527, 2023., DOI:10.1144/SP527-2021-199
C. Lindsay, E. Braun, S. Berg, R. Pols, J. Hill
Core Specialist Services Limited
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Craytive Technologies


Design Considerations of Dynamic Fluid Flow in Porous Media Experiments using X-ray computed Micro Tomography - A Review
Tomography of Materials and Structures 3, 100017, 2023.
T. Pak, N. Lopes Archilha, S. Berg, I. B. Butler
Teesside University
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) and Centre for Reasearch in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), Brazil
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of Edinburgh


Inverse modelling of core flood experiments for predictive models of sandstone and carbonate rocks
Water Resources Research 59, e2023WR035526, 2023.
S. An, N. Wenck, S. Manoorkar, S. Berg, C. Taberner, R. Pini, S. Krevor
Shenzhen University
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Simultaneous Determination of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure from an Unsteady-State Core Flooding Experiment?
Computers and Geotechnics 168, 106091, 2024
S. Berg, H. Dijk, E. Unsal, R. Hofmann, B. Zhao, V. Ahuja
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Shell International Exploration & Production Inc.
Shell India Markets Private Limited


Viscous Fingering in CCS - A General Criterion for Viscous Fingering in Porous Media
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 132, 104074, 2024
Mathematica notebook 1 and 2
J. G. Maas, N. Springer, A. Hebing, J. Snippe, S. Berg
PanTerra Geoconsultants B.V.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Impact of CO2 hydrates on injectivity during CO2 storage in depleted gas fields: A literature review
Gas Science and Engineering 123, 205250, 2024
M. Aghajanloo, L. Yan, S. Berg, D. Voskov, R. Farajzadeh
TU Delft
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Time-and-space averaging applied to intermittent multiphase flow experiments
Water Resources Research 60(6), e2023WR036577, 2024.
T. Wang, J. E. McClure, Y. Da Wang, S. Berg, C. Chen, P. Mostaghimi, R. T. Armstrong
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Stevens Institute of Technology

in preparation, submitted, under review

Geometric evolution as a source of discontinuous behavior in soft condensed matter
submitted, 2019, ArXiv Preprint
J. E. McClure, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Virginia Tech
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales


Capillary Fluctuations and energy dynamics for flow in porous media, ArXiv Preprint
J. E. McClure, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Virginia Tech
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales


Capillary fluctuations in non-equlibrium systems, ArXiv Preprint
J. E. McClure, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Virginia Tech
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales


Determination of the spatial distribution of wetting in the pore networks of rocks, Eartharxiv Preprint
G. Garfi, C. M. John, M. Ruecker, Q. Lin, C. Spurin, S. Berg, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Red noise in steady-state multiphase flow, Eartharxiv Preprint
C. Spurin, M. Ruecker, M. Moura, T. Bultreys, G. Garfi, S. Berg, M. J. Blunt, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
University of Oslo
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Relative Permeability as a stationary process: energy fluctuations in immiscible displacement, arXiv Preprint
J. E. McClure, M. Fan, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, C. F. Berg, Z. Li, T. Ramstad
Virginia Tech.
Oak Ridge National Lab
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
PoreLab, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Australian National University (ANU)


Effective permeability of an immiscible fluid in porous media determined from its geometric state, arXiv Preprint
F. Alzubaidi, P. Mostaghimi, Y. Niu, R. T. Armstrong, G. Mohammadi, S. Berg, J. E. McClure
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Virginia Tech.


Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Analyzing Dynamics in Multi-phase flow in Porous Media, EarthArXiv Preprint
C. Spuring, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, J. E. McClure
Stanford University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.


Inverse modelling of core flood experiments for predictive models of sandstone and carbonate rocks, Authorea Preprint
S. An, N. Wenck, S. Manoorkar, S. Berg, C. Taberner, R. Pini, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Simultaneous Determination of Relative Permeability and Cpaillary Pressure from an Unsteady-sState Core Flooding Experiment?, Authorea Preprint
S. Berg, H. Dijk, E. Unsal, R. Hofmann, B. Zhao, V. Ahuja
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.

Shell India Market Private Limited

Book Chapters

Album of Porous Media, Springer, 2023. eds. E. F. Medici, A. D. Otero
Reticulated Rutile, F. Marcelis, S. Berg
Boise Brown, F. Marcelis, S. Berg
Mineral Map of Rotliegendes, F. Marcelis, S. Berg
North Netherlands Gas Reservoir, F. Marcelis, S. Berg
Foraminifer, A. Coorn, F. Marcelis, S. Berg
Gas trapped in Sandstone, Y. Gao, A. Coorn, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, S. Berg


Method of transporting a chemical agent through a porous underground formation
European Patent Application No. 08101685.9-2111
S. Berg
Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V.


Method for producing oil and gas
World Patent Application No. WO/2009/058846
S. Berg,
Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V.


Method for producing oil and gas
World Patent Application No. WO/2009/067420
S. Berg, C. Mesters, D. C. Wang
Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V.


Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Digital Core Sample
World Patent Application No. WO/2014/168506
S. Safonov, O. Dinariev, N. Evseev, O. Gurpinar, S. Berg, J. Freeman, C. van Kruijsdijk, M. Myers, L. Hathon, D. Klemin
Schlumberger & Shell


Determining Relative Permeability of a Porous Medium
World 2024/044,495A1, p. 2/29/2024, f. 8/17/2023 (Appl. 2,372,382), pr. U.S. 8/24/2022 (Appl. 63/400,562) and Europe. 9/16/2022 (Appl. 22,196,135) (G01N-0015/08)
S.Berg, R.Hofmann and B.Zhao
Shell Global solutions International and Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.

Conferences and Seminars

Vibrational antiresonances and mobilities in organic semiconductors
American Physical Society, Annual March Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, abstract #I21.005
G. Thomas, S. Berg, J. H. Schön, C. Kloc, P. Littlewood, B. Batlogg
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA


Crystal Growth, Structure, Electronic Band Structure and Electrical Properties of a Pentacene Polymorph
American Physical Society, Annual March Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, abstract #C21.003
C. Kloc, T. Siegrist, J. H. Schön, B. Batlogg, R. C. Haddon, S. Berg, G. Thomas
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA


Long-range attraction between colloidal spheres at the air-water interface: The consequence of an irregular meniscus
Workshop Tailored Functions by Colloidal Assembly, 24./25. November 2000, University Ulm, Germany
D. Stamou, C. Duschl, S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


"Laterally Coupled Quartz Resonators"
Doktorandenworkshop "Funktionalisierte Organische Nanostrukturen" 3.-5. Mai 2000, Universität Potsdam
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


"Laterally Coupled Quartz Resonators"
Jahrestagung des Materialwissenschaftlichen Forschungszentrums (MWFZ) 19. Mai 2000, Universität Mainz
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Combined Quartz Crystal Resonator and Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurements
University of Freiburg, September 2001
S. Berg, N. Ali, D. Johannsmann, W. Knoll
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Department of Polymer Science, University of Southern Mississippi


Local measurements of sliding friction and stick-slip with quartz resonators in the time domain
Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (ECAMP VII) and DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, 2001
Europhysics conference abstracts, Volume 25B (5/2001), p. 262
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Segment density profiles of polyelectrolyte brushes by Fourier transform ellipsometry
Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (ECAMP VII) and DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, 2001
Europhysics conference abstracts, Volume 25B (5/2001)
M. Biesalski, S. Berg, J. Rühe, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Sliding friction investigations with quartz resonators: nonlinearities and chirp
Euresco Conference on Interfaces and Colloidal Systems, Acquafredda di Marathea, Italy, 11 / 2001
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Nonlinear contact mechanics at high speeds: measurements with quartz crystal resonators in the time domain
Poster at the spring meeting of the German physical society DPG in Regensburg (11.-15.03.2002) Abstract
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Measurements of nonlinear rolling friction at high speeds and high frequencies: measurements with quartz crystal resonators in the time domain
Gordon Conference on Tribology, 04.-09.08.2002, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany


Contact Mechanics with Quartz Crystal Resonators
Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, August 2002
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Technical University of Clausthal, Germany


High frequency contact mechanics based on quartz crystal resonators: application to polymer surfaces
MRS Fall Meeting 2002, Polymer/Metal Interfaces and Defect Phenomena in Ordered Polymers, MRS Symposium Proceedings Vol. 734
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Technical University of Clausthal, Germany


Contact Mechanics with Quartz Crystal Resonators
MRL Seminar, University of California, Santa Barbara, April 2003
S. Berg
Princeton University, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Princeton, NJ 08540, USA


Interfacial Slip in Soap Films with Hydrosoluble Polymer
APS meeting, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 11/2003 - session FN.005
E.A. Adelizzi, S. Berg, S.M. Troian
Princeton University


Drainage Behavior of Soap Films Above and Below the CMC
APS meeting, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 11/2003 - session FN.006
S. Berg, E.A. Adelizzi, S.M. Troian
Princeton University


Falling Snow and Lava Plumes: Drainage of Soap Films
APS meeting, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 11/2003 - Gallery of Fluid Motion - Movie compilation
S. Berg, E.A. Adelizzi, S.M. Troian
Princeton University


Slip Parameterization of Entrainment and Drainage Flows in Microscale Soap Films
8th Tiger Hen Symposium, Princeton University, Bowen Hall, May 1st, 2004
S. Berg, E.A. Adelizzi, S.M. Troian
Princeton University


Fractal Stratifications During Drainage of Soap Films with Hydrosoluble Polymer
The Diversity of Chemical Engineering, Symposium, Princeton 05/2004
S. Berg, N. Priezjev, E.A. Adelizzi, S.M. Troian
Princeton University


Experimental Study of Entrainment and Drainage in Microscale Soap Films
Conference on Physics and Design of Foams, Unilever R&D, Edgewater, July 22-23, 2004
S. Berg, S.M. Troian
Princeton University


Stabilität, Dynamik und Strukturbildung in dünnen Seifenfilmen
Institute for Polymer Research (IPF), Dresden, August 2004
S. Berg
Princeton University


Fractal Stratifications During Drainage of Soap Films with Hydrosoluble Polymer
International Workshop on Pattern Formation through Instabilities in Thin Liquid Films: From Fundamental Aspects to Applications, 21.-28. September 2004
Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
S. Berg, S. M. Troian
Princeton University


Nanofluidic Instability in Soap Films with Layering Transitions
57th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, session KE
Sept. 21-23, 2004, Seattle, Washington
S. Berg, S. M. Troian
Princeton University


Hydrodynamic Drainage and Instabilities in Soap Films
Seminar at Shell Research in Houston, Texas, March 24, 2005.
S. Berg, S. M. Troian
Princeton University


Contact Mechanics with Quartz Crystal Resonators invited talk
345. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on "Acoustic Wave Based Sensors: Fundamentals, Concepts, New Applications", Physikzentrum Bad Honneff, 11.-13. April 2005.
S. Berg, D. Johannsmann
Princeton University / MPI for Polymer Research / TU Clausthal


Hydrodynamic Drainage and Instabilities in Soap Films
Seminar at Shell Research in Rijswijk, Netherlands, April 15, 2005.
S. Berg, S. M. Troian
Princeton University


Rising plumes, layering transitions and squeeze-out patterns in soap films invited talk
Symposium on Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Soft Condensed Matter, (SYNP 1.1)
Spring Meeting 2006 of the German Physical Society and EPS Condensed Matter division, Dresden, March 27-31, 2006.
S. Berg, S. M. Troian
Shell International B.V., Princeton University


Rising plumes, layering transitions and squeeze-out patterns in soap films
Session M10c: Mechanics of New Materials for Everyday Life,
15th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Boulder, CO, USA, 25-30 June 2006.
S. Berg, S. M. Troian
Shell International B.V., Princeton University


Brain Circulation - pro Ausland (invited speaker)
Karrierewege in Wissenschaft und Forschung, Oct 4 - 5, 2006, Berlin, Germany - program - organized by BMBF and DFG
S. Berg


Marangoni-driven Spreading along Liquid-Liquid Interfaces as Transport Mechanism
Open workshop on reactive transport in subsurface two-phase flow, Oct 31, 2007, Shell Rijswijk
S. Berg
Shell International B.V., Princeton University


Flow in Porous Media with Slip Boundary Condition
SCA2007-13, Society of Core Analysts (SCA), 21. Annual Technical Symposium, Sept. 10 - 12, 2007, Calgary, Canada
S. Berg, A. W. Cense, J. P. Hofman, R.M.M. Smits
Shell Exploration and Production International B.V.


Marangoni-driven Spreading along Liquid-Liquid Interfaces
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Session JP Surface Tension Effect I, Salt Lake City, Nov 18-20, 2007.
S. Berg
Shell Exploration and Production International B.V.


Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media with Slip Boundary Condition
61th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Session ME Porous Media I, San Antonio, Nov 23-25, 2008.
S. Berg, A. W. Cense, J. P. Hofman, R. M. M. Smits
Shell Exploration and Production International B.V.


Effects of Interfaces in Fluid Flow
Geotechnology Colloqium SPARKS, TU Delft, 21.04.2009
S. Berg
Shell Exploration and Production International B.V.


Spreading at the liquid-liquid interface (presentation)
Summer School on Role of Interfacial Area in Two-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media , Utrecht, 19 - 24 July, 2009
S. Berg
Shell Exploration and Production International B.V.


Effects at Interfaces in 2-Phase Flow (poster)
Summer School on Role of Interfacial Area in Two-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media , Utrecht, 19 - 24 July, 2009
S. Berg, A. W. Cense
Shell Exploration and Production International B.V.


Direct Experimental Evidence of Wettability Modification by Low Salinity Flooding
SCA2009-12 Society of Core Analysts (SCA), 23. Annual Technical Symposium, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands, 27th to 30th September 2009 - best paper award
S. Berg, A. W. Cense, E. Jansen, K. Bakker
Shell International Exploration and Production


The Viscous-Capillary Paradox in 2-Phase Flow in Porous Media
SCA2009-13 Society of Core Analysts (SCA), 23. Annual Technical Symposium, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands, 27th to 30th September 2009
A. W. Cense, S. Berg
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.


Fluid Flow in Porous Media
invited lecture 10th workshop in Graduiertenkolleg 1276: structure formation and transport in complex systems 21th to 24th September 2010
S. Berg
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.


Comparison of two-phase Darcy's law with a thermodynamically consistent approach
63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Session CF Porous Media II, Long Beach, Nov 21-23, 2010.
S. Berg, J. Niessner, S. M. Hassanizadeh
Shell, Stuttgart University, Utrecht University


The Saffman-Taylor Instability Without Walls
63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Session AP Nanofluids I, Long Beach, Nov 21-23, 2010.
S. Troian, S. Berg
Princeton University, Shell


Displacement and Mass Transfer Between Saturated and Unsaturated CO2-Brine Systems in Sandstone
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-4010, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011
H. Ott, S. Berg, S. Oedai
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Displacement and Mass Transfer Between Saturated and Unsaturated CO2-Brine Systems in Sandstone
TCCS-6 Conference , Trondheim, June 14-16 2011, Poster 156
Energy Procedia 23, 512-520 (2012)
H. Ott, S. Berg, S. Oedai
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore-Scale micro-CT Imaging: Non-Wetting Phase Cluster Size Distribution as a Function of Interfacial Tension
TCCS-6 Conference, Trondheim, June 14-16 2011, Session F6 (Fluid Flow II).
Energy Procedia 23, 521-526 (2012)
A. Georgiadis, S. Berg, G. Maitland, H. Ott
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK


Direct Visualization of Designer Waterflooding in Model Experiments
SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19-21 July 2011, paper SPE 144936-PP
A. W. Cense, S. Berg, E. Jansen, K. Bakker
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Non-wetting phase cluster size distribution in a micro-CT flow experiment- comparison to the Single-phase porosity based REV.
Dutch Interpore 2011 Mini Symposium on Porous media research in the Netherlands; theory, experiments, models and applications.
S. Berg (invited speaker), A. Georgiadis, H. Ott
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Displacement and Mass Transfer of CO2-Brine Systems in Sandstone
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) held in Austin, Texas, USA, 18-21 September 2011 - paper SCA2011-05
H. Ott, S. Berg, S. Oedai
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore-Scale micro-CT imaging: Non-wetting phase cluster size distribution during drainage and imbibition
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) held in Austin, Texas, USA, 18-21 September 2011 - paper SCA2011-59
A. Georgiadis, S. Berg, G. Maitland, H. Ott
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK


How does oil flow through rock ?
Heidelberg University, Germany, Graduate Days 2011
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Estimation of Curvature from Micro-CT Liquid-liquid Displacement Studies with Pore Scale Resolution
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) held in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 27-30 August 2012 - paper SCA2012-55 - best poster award
R. T. Armstrong, C. H. Pentland, S. Berg, J. Hummel, D. Lichau, L. Bernard
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Visualization Sciences Group


Stability of CO2-Brine Primary Drainage
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) held in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 27-30 August 2012 - paper SCA2012-60
H. Ott, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiphase Flow in Porous Media at the Pore Scale
TU/e MTP / WDY Fluid Dynamics Seminar, Technical University Eindhoven, 31.10.2012
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Emulsion formation at the Pore-Scale
AGU Fall meeting, 3-7 December 2012, Poster H53G-1608
R. T. Armstrong, P. van den Bos, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


A Pore Scale Explanation for Displacement Efficiency
AGU Fall meeting, 3-7 December 2012, Poster H53G-1609
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock
Invited lecture at the Eindhoven Multiscale Institute, 14-15 January 2013
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


The Development of a Workflow to Improve Predictive Capability of Low Salinity Response
International Petroleum Technology Conference IPTC held in Beijing, China, 26-28 March 2013, paper IPTC 17157-MS
B.M.J.M. Suijkerbuijk, H.P.C.E. Kuipers, C.P.J.W. van Kruijsdijk, S. Berg, J.F. van Winden, D.J. Ligthelm, H. Mahani, M. Pingo Almada, E. Van den Pol, V. Joekar Niasar, J. Romanuka, E.C.M. Vermolen, I.S.M. Al-Qarshubi
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock imaged under dynamic flow conditions with fast X-ray computed micro-tomography
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-5544 (2013), EGU General Assembly 2013
S.Berg, H. Ott, S. A. Klapp, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, J.-O. Schwarz, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut


Multiphase flow in porous rock imaged under dynamic flow conditions with fast X-ray computed micro-tomography
Mini-symposium "Pore-scale investigation of multiphase flow and transport in porous media" Utrecht University, Environmental Hydrogeology, 14 May 2013
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Real-time Imaging of Pore Scale Displacements
5th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, Prague, 22-24 May 2013
S.Berg, H. Ott, S. A. Klapp, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, J.-O. Schwarz, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut


Dynamics of oil detachment in low salinity flooding: model system experiments and modeling
5th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, Prague, 22-24 May 2013
H. Mahani, V. Joekar-Niasar, S. Berg, D. Ilic, W.-B. Bartels, R. Neiteler, A. Schwing, A. Makurat
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk
University of Utrecht


Kinetics of the Low Salinity Waterflooding Effect Studies in a Model System
EORC 2013 - SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference - 2-4 July 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, paper SPE 165255
H. Mahani, S. Berg, D. Ilic, W.-B. Bartels, V. Joekar-Niasar
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk
University of Utrecht


Application of Digital Rock Technology for Chemical EOR Screening
EORC 2013 - SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference - 2-4 July 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, paper SPE 165258
D. Koroteev, O. Dinariev, N. Evseev, D. Klemin, S. Safonov, O. Gurpinar
S. Berg, C. van Kruijsdijk, M. Myers, L. Hathon, H. de Jong, R. Armstrong
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock imaged with fast X-ray computed tomography
1st International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (July 1-5, 2013) in Ghent (Belgium)
R. Armstrong, S.Berg, H. Ott, S. A. Klapp, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, J.-O. Schwarz, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut


Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock imaged under dynamic flow conditions with fast X-ray computed tomography
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Napa Valley, California, USA, 16-19 September 2013 paper SCA2013-011
S. Berg, R. Armstrong, H. Ott, S. A. Klapp, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, J.-O. Schwarz, M. Wolf, F. Khan, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut


Direct Hydrodynamic Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Napa Valley, California, USA, 16-19 September 2013 paper SCA2013-014 - Young Professional Best Paper
D. Koroteev, O. Dinariev, N. Evseev, D. Klemin, A. Nadeev, S. Safonov, O. Gurpinar, S. Berg, C. van Kruijsdijk, R. Armstrong, M. T. Myers, L. Hathon, H. de Jong
Schlumberger Moscow Research
Schlumberger Reservoir Characterization Group, Denver
Shell Global Solutions International


Dynamics and kinetics of oil detachment in low salinity flooding
Dutch InterPore Meeting, 9 Oct 2013, TU Eindhoven / TNO
H. Mahani, S. Berg, W.-B. Bartels, D. Ilic, V. Joekar-Niasar
Shell Global Solutions International


Pore Scale Physics & Digital Rock
Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society (AFES) Seminar - Core Analysis in the digital age, 31st October 2013
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Onset of Oil Mobilization and Cluster Size Distribution
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 - poster EGU2014-12726
M. Rücker, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, S. Berg, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany


Sensitivity study of an image processing workflow on synchrotron micro-CT images of Berea sandstone
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 - poster EGU2014-10431
L. Leu, S. Berg, H. Ott, R. T. Armstrong, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany


Insight into pore scale displacement physics from fast X-ray computed micro-tomography
Computational Methods in Water Resources XX, 10-13 Jule 2014, Stuttgart, Germany, Session 13-MPPM-01
S. Berg, R. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott
Shell Global Solutions International


Real Time Imaging of Pore Scale Flow & Pore Scale Modelling
Gordon Conference - Flow & Transport in Permeable Media invited talk
July 6-11, 2014 Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiphase flow in porous rocks: dynamic pore-scale imaging and direct numerical simulations
Unconventional Resources and Technology Conference 2014 invited talk
25-27 August 2014, Denver, Colorado, USA
S. Berg, R. Armstrong, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, S. A. Klapp, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, J.-O. Schwarz, M. Wolf, F. Khan, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni, D. Koroteev, O. Dinariev, N. Evseev, D. Klemin, A.Nadeev, S. Safonov, O. Gurpinar, C. van Kruijsdijk, M. T. Myers, L. Hathon, H. de Jong
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut
Schlumberger Moscow Research


Imbibition on the Pore Scale: Onset of Oil Mobilization and Cluster Size Distribution paper SCA2014-022
Society of Core Analysts 2014 Symposium, September 7-12, 2014, Avignon, France
S. Berg, M. Rücker, R. Amstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany


Interfacial velocities and the resulting velocity field during a Haines jump SCA2014-029
Society of Core Analysts 2014 Symposium, September 7-12, 2014, Avignon, France
R. T. Armstrong, N. Evseev, D. Koroteev, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International
Schlumberger Moscow Research


Real Time Imaging of Pore Scale Flow
Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam Centennial Scientific Conference: Rock and Fluid Physics: Academic and Industrial Perspectives, Shell Technology Center Amsterdam, 16.09.2014
S. Berg, H. Ott, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, A. Schwing, F. Enzmann, M. Rücker, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, M. Kersten, S. Irvine, M. Stampanoni
Shell Global Solutions International
University of Mainz, Germany
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland


Onset of Oil Mobilization and Non-Wetting Phase Cluster Size Distribution
Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam Centennial Scientific Conference: Rock and Fluid Physics: Academic and Industrial Perspectives, Shell Technology Center Amsterdam, 16.09.2014
M. Rücker, S.Berg, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, A. Schwing, R. Neiteler, N. Brussee, A. Makurat, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
University of Mainz, Germany


Real Time Imaging of Pore Scale Flow
into2014, Industrial Tomography Workshop, University of Helsinki, Finland, October 13-15, 20144 invited talk
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Understanding the mechanisms of low salinity flooding in carbonates using model systems
Poster at the Dutch InterPore Meeting, 28 October 2014 at Unilever Research, NL
H. Mahani, A. Levy Keya, S. Berg, W-B. Bartels, R. Nasralla, W.Rossen
Shell Global Solutions International
TU Delft


Low salinity flooding: driving forces on multiple scales
Poster at the Dutch InterPore Meeting, 28 October 2014 at Unilever Research, NL
W-B. Bartels, H. Mahani, S. Berg and V. Joekar-Niasar
Shell Global Solutions International
Utrecht University


Onset of oil mobilization during imbibition
Poster at the Dutch InterPore Meeting, 28 October 2014 at Unilever Research, NL
M.Rücker, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, S. Berg, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
University of Mainz, Germany


2-Phase Pore Scale Flow Regimes - Characteristic Length and Time Scales
Seminar presentation at Dynamics of Complex Fluids, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization Göttingen, 31. October 2014 invited talk
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Pore Scale Flow Regimes - Characteristic Length and Time Scales
Roads to Success in Porous Media Research Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 11.-12. December 2014 keynote speaker
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Pore-scale displacement processes and relaxation dynamics in multiphase flow imaged at sub-second temporal resolution
American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting 2014, poster H21C-0756 San Francisco, Dec 15-19, 2014
R. T. Armstrong, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, M.Rücker, S. Berg
University of New South Wales
Shell Global Solutions International
University of Mainz, Germany


Characteristic Length and Time Scales in Pore Scale Displacement
Earth and Planetary Science Seminar, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, 29.01.2015
S. Berg, H. Ott, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, A. Schwing, F. Enzmann, M. Ruecker, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, University of Mainz
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia


Exploring Limits of Micro-CT Scanners: System Resolution and Tomographic Reconstruction
Lorentz Center Workshop - Artefacts in X-Ray Tomography, Leiden, 9-13.2.2015
W.-B. Bartels, A. M. Nugrowati, S. Berg, H. Mahani, S. M. Hassanizadeh
Shell Global Solutions International
Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University


Visualization of ASP core flood experiments with X-ray CT imaging
EAGE 18th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, paper B12, Dresden, 14-16.4.2015 - Best Paper Award
S. Berg, S. Oedai, D. W. van Batenburg, K. Elewaut, D. M. Boersma, E. M. Ineke
Shell Global Solutions International


Modelling of ASP Flooding Using X-ray CT Core Flooding Experiments
EAGE 18th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, paper A13, Dresden, 14-16.4.2015
T. Matsuura, W. M. Stoll, D. W. van Batenburg, D. M. Boersma, J. N. M. van Wunnik, S. Berg, P. M. Boerrigter
Shell Global Solutions International


Imaging Pore Scale Displacements with Fast X-Ray Computed Tomography
7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting Padova, 18.-21. May 2015 keynote speaker
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Aging in microCT: An Outlook
7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting Padova, 18.-21. May 2015
W.-B. Bartels, H. Mahani, S. Berg, S. Majid Hassanizadeh
Utrecht University
Shell Global Solutions International


The Behavior of Oil Clusters during Fractional Flow: Trajectories in the Saturation-Capillary Number Space
7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting Padova, 18.-21. May 2015
M. Ruecker, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, L. Simon, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten, S. de With
Geosciences Institute, University of Mainz
Shell Global Solutions International
University of New South Wales


Exploring the LImits of Micro-CT Scanners: System Resolution and Tomographi Reconstructionk
7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting Padova, 18.-21. May 2015
W.-B. Bartels, A. Nugrowati, S. Berg, H. Mahani, S. Majid Hassanizadeh
Utrecht University
Shell Global Solutions International


Characteristic length and time scales in pore scale displacement regimes
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issus in the Geosciences June 29 - July 2, 2015, Stanford University
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, M. Ruecker, F. Enzmann, L. Leu, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, University of Mainz
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia


Dynamic X-ray microtomography: displacement processes and relaxation dynamics in multiphase flow
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issus in the Geosciences June 29 - July 2, 2015, Stanford University
R. T. Armstrong, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, M. Rucker, S. Berg
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, University of Mainz


Cryogenic Broad Ion Beam milling (BIB) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to image pore morphology and fluid contacts in hydrocarbon reservoir rocks
14th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis Liège, July 7-10, 2015
J. Schmatz, J. L. Urai, G. Desbois, S. Berg, Steffen and H. Ott
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geomechanics, Energy and Mineral Resources Group, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Shell Global Solutions International


The Fate of Oil Clusters During Frational Flow: Trajectories in the Saturation-Capillary Number Space
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 16-21 August, 2015.
M. Rucker, S.Berg, R. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, L. Simon, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten, S. de With
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Geosciences Department, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Technical University Delft


Visualisation of Light Oil Mobilisation in ASP Core Floods Using X-Ray CT Imaging
SPE Asia-Pacific Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference, 11-13 August 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, paper SPE-174660-MS
D.W. Van Batenburg, S. Berg, S. Oedai, L.L. David, A. Siemens, K. Elewaut
Shell Global Solutions International


Visualisation of Oil Mobilisation in ASP Core Floods Using X-Ray CT Imaging
SPE Kuwait Enhanced Oil Show and Conference, 11 October 2015, Mishref, Kuwait, paper SPE-1745407-MS
D.W. Van Batenburg, S. Berg, S. Oedai, K. Elewaut
Shell Global Solutions International


The Effect of Salinity, Rock Type and pH on the Electrokinetics of Carbonate-Brine Interface and Surface Complexaction Modeling
SPE-175568-MS, SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference and Exhibition to be held 14-16 September, 2015, in Abu Dhabi, UAE
H. Mahani, A. Levy Keya, S. Berg, R. Nasralla
Shell Global Solutions International


Imaging Pore Scale Displacements with Fast X-Ray Computed Tomography
9nth GAMM Seminar, Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, 10.-11.11.2015 invited keynote
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Imaging under FLow Conditions - A short course on fast tomography
PMPM and UK InterPore Joint Annual Meeting 2016, Jan 13, 2016 - Jan 15, 2016 International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), 15 South College Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AA, UK
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Pore Scale Flow Regimes Imaged With Fast X-Ray Computed Tomography
PMPM and UK InterPore Joint Annual Meeting 2016, Jan 13, 2016 - Jan 15, 2016 International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), 15 South College Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AA, UK invited keynote
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


New Insights from Imaging Pore Scale Displacements
MS 3.1, 8th International on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 9-12, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, M. Ruecker, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
University of New South Wales
University of Mainz


Why quasi-static approaches cannot be used to model imbibition relative permeability
MS 1.9, 8th International on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 9-12, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, M. Ruecker, L. Leu, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten, S. de With, J. Becker, A. Wiegmann
Shell Global Solutions International
University of New South Wales
University of Mainz
TU Delft


Impact of salinity on the pore scale distribution of crude oil in rock
MS 1.6, 8th International on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 9-12, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
M. Ruecker, W.-B. Bartels, S. Berg, H. Mahani, H. Hott, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, A. Fadili, C. Hinz, A. Jacob, C. Wagner, S. Henkel, F. Enzmann, A. Bonnin, M. Stampanoni, M. Blunt
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales
University of Leoben
University of Mainz
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute
Imperial College London


Pore Scale Displacements Imaged by Fast X-Ray Micro-CT
Invited seminar presentation at Institute for Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, June 6, 2016
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Theory and Models: What is Necessary and Avialable
Discussoin leader at the Gordon Conference on Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Jul 31 - Aug 5, 2016
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Insights for Reservoir Engineering from Fast Pore Scale Imaging of Multiphase Flow
Invited presentation a the International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology, Qingdao, China, 11-14th August, 2016
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Micro-CT study of the Impact of Low Salinity Waterflooding on the pore-scale fluid dsitribution during flow
Paper SCA2016-017 presented at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Snowmass, Colorado, USA, 21-26 August 2016
W.-B. Bartels, M. Ruecker, S. Berg, H. Mahani, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, A. Fadili, C. HInz, A. Jacob, C. Wagner, S. Henkel, F. Enzmann, A. Bonnin, M. Stampanoni, H. Ott, M. Blunt, S. M. Hassanizadeh
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Utrecht University
Imperial College London
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Math2Market GmbH
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Swiss Light Source, PSI, Switzerland
Montanuniversity Leoben, Austria


Flow Regimes During Immiscible Displacement
Paper SCA2016-009 presented at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Snowmass, Colorado, USA, 21-26 August 2016
R. T. Armstrong, J. E. McClure, M. A. Berill, M. Ruecker, S. Schlueter, S. Berg
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Imperial College London
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Resarch UFZ
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Modelling of Imbibition Relative Permeability by Direct Quasi-Static Approach
Paper SCA2016-007 presented at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Snowmass, Colorado, USA, 21-26 August 2016
S. Berg, M. Ruecker, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, H. van der Linde, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten, R. T. Armstrong, S. de With, J. Becker, A. Wiegmann
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Technical University Delft
Math2Market GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany


Pore Scale Displacements Images by Fast X-Ray Micro-CT
Invited presentation at the GeoDICT user meeting, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 5-6 Oct, 2016
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Time scales of relaxation dynamics during hydraulic non-equilibrium in two-phase flow
EGU conference, Vienna,
S. Schlueter, S. Berg, T. Li, H.-J. Vogel, D. Wildenschild
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Halle, Germany
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA


Imaging Flow in Porous Media by Fast mCT
Invited presentation at the Mini-Workshop on Real-Time 3D Tomography, April 10-12 2017, CWI, Amsterdam
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore scale flow fields and shear rate for sandstone rock in comparison to model geometries
Session MS 1.7, 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 8-11, 2017, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
S. Berg, J. van Wunnik
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Impact of wettability at the pore scale flow regime
Session GS1, 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 8-11, 2017, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
M. Rucker, W.-B. Bartels, S. Berg, H. Mahani, H. Ott, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, C. Hinz, A. Jacob, C. Wagner, S. Henkel, F. Enzmann, A. Bonnin, M. Stampanoni, M. Hassanizadeh, M. Blunt
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Imperial College London, UK


Time scales of relaxation dynamics during hydraulic non-equilibrium in two-phase flow
Session MS 1.10, 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 8-11, 2017, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
S. Schlueter, S. Berg, M. Ruecker, R. T. Armstrong, H.-J. Vogel, R. Hilfer, D. Wildenschild
UFZ Halle, Germany
Oregon State University, USA
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales, Australia
University of Stuttgart, Germany


Surfactant variations in porous media localize capillary instabilities during Haines jumps
Session GS1, 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 8-11, 2017, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Y. Edery, S. Berg, D. Weitz
Harvard University, USA
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Upscaling 2-phase flow in porous media - from pore to Darcy scale
NUPUS Day & Darsim Lecture, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University, 12 May 2017
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore-Scale Displacement During Fast Imaging of Spontaneous Imbibition
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Vienna, Austria, 27.8.-1.9.2017, SCA2017-005.
W.-B. Bartels, M. Ruecker, M. Boone, T. Bultreys, H. Mahani, S. Berg, S. M. Hassanizadeh, V. Cnudde
Utrecht University
Imperial College London
University of Ghent
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


The Formation of Microemulsion at Flow Conditions in Rock
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Vienna, Austria, 27.8.-1.9.2017, SCA2017-041.
M. Ruecker, W.-B. Bartels, E. Unsal, S. Berg, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, A. Bonnin
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute


Upscaling 2-Phase Flow in Porous Media From Pore to Darcy Scale
Seminar presentation, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore Scale Physics, Digital Rock - Integration into the Subsurface Workflow
3rd Workshop and Symposium Safety and Integration Management of Operations in Harsh Environments, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, October 18-20, 2017 - invited technical keynote
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Upscaling of 2-Phase Flow in Porous Media - From Pore to Darcy Scale
KAUST Research Conference Recovery of Difficult Hydrocarbons, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 12.-14.02.2018 - invited presentation
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Upscaling of 2-Phase Flow in Porous Media - From Pore to Darcy Scale
Geology Research Seminars, Department of Geology, Ghent University, 23.04.2018 - invited presentation
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Upscaling of Digital Rock Porosities by Correlation with Whole Core CT Scan Histograms
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018 - best paper award
S. Hertel, M. Rydzy, B. Anger, S. Berg, M. Appel, H. de Jong
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Upscaling of 2-Phase Flow in Porous Media - From Pore to Darcy Scale
Harvard University, 6 July 2018. - invited presentation
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Detection of Fluid Films in Porous Rocks
Gordon Conference - Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, 2018
M. Ruecker, K. Singh, A. Winkel, G. Garfi, A. Scanziani, S. Yesufu, W.-B. Bartels, M. Blunt, S. Berg, A. Georgiadis, P. Luckham
Imperial College London
JPK Instruments
Utrecht University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


The Rheology of Single Phase Polymer Solutions in a Hyperbolic Contraction Microfluidic Channel
Gordon Conference - Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, 2018
M. Eguagie, P. Luckham, J. Crawshaw, S. Berg
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


A New Waterflood Initialization Protocol for Pore Scale Multiphase Flow Experiments
SCA2018-032 - was awarded as one of the best papers
Society of Core Analysts 2018 Symposium, August 27-30, 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, S. C. Krevor, M. J. Blunt, S. Berg, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, A. Georgiadis, O. B. Wilson
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


A Geometric State Function for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Lorentz Center Workshop - Micro- and Nano-Fluidics: Fundamentals and Applications, Leiden, December 12-16, 2018. - invited talk
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


A Geometric State Function for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Clean Fossile Fuels seminar, Imperial College London, 22 March 2019.
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Flexible Coiled Polymer Dynamics in a Single Pore Throat with Effects of Flow Resistance and Normal Stresses
IOR 2019–20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, 08 April 2019. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201900118
E Eguagie, S Berg, J Crawshaw, S De, P Luckham
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


Insight into the physics of multiphase flow in porous media from fast micro-CT
Bruker User Meeting, Mechelen, Belgium, 05 June 2019 invited talk
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Study of Wettability Modification in Sandstones
Goldschmit Conference, 18-23 August 2019, Barcelona, Spain
S. Yesufu-Rufai, M. Ruecker, F. Marcelis, S. Berg, A. Georgiadis, J. van Wunnik, P. Luckham
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


Workflow for upscaling wettabilty from the nano- to core-scales
2019 Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Aug 25-29, Pau, France, paper SCA2019-007.
M. Ruecker, W.B. Bartels, T. Bultreys, M. Boone, K. Sing, G. Garfi, A. Scanziani, C. Spuri. S. Yesufu, S. Krevor, M. Blunt, O. Wilson, H. Mahani, V. Cnudde, P. Luckham, A. Georgiadis, S. Berg
Imperial College London
Utrecht University
Ghent University
Shell Global Solutions International


The link between microscale contact angle measurements and corescale wettability
2019 Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Aug 25-29, Pau, France, paper SCA2019-009.
C. Sun, J. McClure, M. Shabaninejad, P. Mostaghimi, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech
Shell Global Solutions International


Determination of Critical Gas Saturation by Micro-CT
2019 Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Aug 25-29, Pau, France, paper SCA2019-021.
S. Berg, Y. Gao, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, J. Dietderich, F. O. Alpak, D. Eriksen, M. Mooijer-van den Heuvel, J. Southwick, M. Appel, O. B. Wilson
Shell Global Solutions International
Imperial College London


Short Course - Interpretation of Pore Scale Experiments - Alternative Descriptions of Porous Media Flow by Topological Means
2019 Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Aug 25-29, Pau, France, Short Course.
R. T. Armstrong, S. Berg
University of New South Wales
Shell Global Solutions International


A Geometric State Function for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
2019 GeoDICT User Meeting, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 24-25, 2019.
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


A Geometric State Function for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Seminar presentation at Institute for Material Physics in Space, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany, November 19, 2019.
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International


Combining machine learning with dual-energy micro-CT to segment mineral phases in imagery of Berea sandstone
Goldschmidt conference, 21-26. June 2020
D. Jennings-Gray, S. Krevor, S. Berg, G. Garfi
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


Critical Gas Saturation and Relative Permeability for Pressure Depletion and Gas Injection Processes
InterPore 2020 conference, Minisymposium 6B - video
S. Berg, Y. Gao, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, J. Dietderich, F. O. Alpak, D. Eriksen, M. Mooijer-van den Heuvel, J. Southwick, M. Appel, O. B. Wilson
Shell Global Solutions International
Imperial College London


Mobility of Disconnected Fluid Phases - From Ganglion Dynamics to Intermittency and Gas Dynamics
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysist 2020, online talk 22.09.2020, invited keynote lecture
S. Berg
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


Wetting Dynamics in Complex Geometries - From a geometric state function in porous media to a generalized description of wetting
Wetting 2020 conference, 28-30. September 2020 - invited keynote speaker
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, J. E. McClure
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech


Complex Fluids with Visco-Elastic Rheology for Applications in Oil & Gas Industry
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Seminar series, 7.10.2020 - invited talk
S. De, S. Berg
Shell India Markets Private Limited
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London


Digital Rock - From Pore to Darcy Scale: Cluster Dynamics, Geometric State Function, Wettability
Graduate Seminar, University of Houston, 09.10.2020- invited talk
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Upscaling Multiphase Flow from Pore to Darcy Scale - From a geometric state function of capillarity to a generalized description of wetting
PoreLab Seminar, 21. October 2020 - invited speaker - recording on Youtube
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, J. E. McClure
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Imperial College London
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech


Multiscale Carbonate Heterogeneity. The Digital View.
4th InterPore BeNeLux day, 2.11.2020
C. Taberner, S. Berg, M. Boone, F. Marcelis, W. de Boever, M. Appel, J. Southwick
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore-by-pore wettability characterization in sandstone and carbonate rocks
AGU 2020 Fall Meeting
G. Garfi, M. Rucker, Q. Lin, S. Berg, C. M. John, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Probing Effective Wetting in Subsurface Systems: The Role of Curvature and Topology
GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinars, 11. March 2021.
R. T. Armstrong, P. Mostaghimi, C. Sun, Y. D. Wang, S. Berg, J. McClure, A. Herring, M. Ruecker
University of New South Wales
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Virginia Tech
Australian National University
Eindhoven University of Technology


Spatial Wettability Distribution For Digital Rock Modelling
IOR Norway 2021, 26-28 April 2021. video
S. Berg, O. ALpak, J. Diederich, R. T. Armstrong, C. Sun, J. E. McClure, Q. Lin, T. Bultreys, S. Krevor, M. J. Blunt, L. Ruspini, P.-E. Oren
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech
Imperial College London


From Uncertainty Quantification in Relative Permeability to Non-Thermal Fluctuations and Energy Balance in Multiphase Flow
GeoScience and GeoEnergy Webinar, 13 May 2021.
S. Berg, E. Unsal, H. Dijk, R. T. Armstrong, J. McClure, M. Ruecker, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech
TU Eindhoven
University of Mainz


Uncertainty Quantification of Relative Permeability Measurements by Inverse Modelling
InterPore 2021 Conference, 31 May - 04 June, 2021.
S. Berg, E. Unsal, H. Dijk
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Non-thermal Fluctuations in Steady-State Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
InterPore 2021 Conference, 31 May - 04 June, 2021.
M. Ruecker, S. Berg, A. Georgiadis, R. T. Armstrong, H. Ott, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, L. Simon, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Eindhoven Technical University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Montanuniversitaet Leoben


Modelling capillary fluctuations for fluid flow with lattice Boltzmann methods using LBPM
InterPore 2021 Conference, 31 May - 04 June, 2021.
M. Fan, J. McClure, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Virginia Tech
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales


Physical origin of pressure and saturation fluctuations in steady-state core floods
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysist 2021, 13.-16. September 2021, online presentation, paper SCA2021-020
S. Berg, H. van der Linde, N. Brussee, M. Ruecker, H. Dijk, E. Unsal, T. G. Sorop, M. Appel
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Technical University Eindhoven


Multiphase flow in porous media - how imaging has improved our fundamental understanding
XAYNAN -Workshop, International Sirius Workshop on X-ray Nanospectroscopy, Nano-diffraction and Nano Imaging, 4-5 October 2021
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiphase Flow in Porous media: From Pore to Darcy Scale: Cluster Dynamics, Geometric State Function, Wettability
Graduate School, Hamburg University of Technology, 7 December 2021
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) for Analyzing Dynamics in Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
InterPore 2022 - 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Porous Media - 30.05.-02.06.2022
C. Spurin, S. Berg, J. E. McClure, R. T. Armstrong
Stanford University
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Virginia Tech.
University of New South Wales


Advanced Digital-SCAL measurements of gas trapping in sandstone
InterPore 2022 - 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Porous Media - 30.05.-02.06.2022
Y. Gao, T. Sorop, H. van der Linde, A. Coorn, N. Brussee, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Heterogeneity and wetting in high-resolution large field of view micro-CT core floods
InterPore 2022 - 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Porous Media - 30.05.-02.06.2022
S. Manoorkar, S. An, S. Berg, C. Taberner, R. Pini, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) for Analyzing Dynamics in Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
XRM 2022 - 15th International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy - 19.-24.06.2022
P. Bidola, F. Beckmann, M. Riedel, J. Hammel, J. Moosmann, S. Berg, N. Brussee, J. Herzen
Helmholtz-Zentrum Heron
Technical University Munich
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Insights into gas mobility by pore scale imaging with micro-CT time series
5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures (ICTMS) 2022 - 27.06.-01.07. 2022, Grenoble, France
Y. Gao, T. Sorop, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, M. Appel, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiscale Characterization of Heterogeneous Carbonates. From Full Core Tomography to Fine Scale Flow Models
5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures (ICTMS) 2022 - 27.06.-01.07. 2022, Grenoble, France
S. Berg, W. de Boever, M. Boone, A. Coorn, J. Dewanckele, A. Fadili, Y. Gao, F. Marcelis, C. Taberner
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. TESCAN XRE


Relative permeability as a stationary process: energy fluctuations in immiscible displacement
Gordon Conference Flow and Transport in Permeable Media - Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 17.-22.07.2022.
James E. McClure, Ryan T. Armstrong, Steffen Berg
Virginia Tech. University of New South Wales Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Pore Scale Dynamics of Gas Trapping
Gordon Conference Flow and Transport in Permeable Media - Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 17.-22.07.2022.
Y. Gao, T. Sorop, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, A. Coorn, M. Appel, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Characterization of multiphase flow in heterogeneous carbonates
Gordon Conference Flow and Transport in Permeable Media - Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 17.-22.07.2022.
S. An, S. Manoorkar, S. Berg, C. Taberner, R. Pini, S. Krevor
Imperial College London, Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Quantitative Phase-Contrast MIcro Computed Tomography at PETRA III, DESY
International Symposium on Medical Applications of X-Ray, Phase-Contrast & Photon-Counting (IMXP 2022) - Munich, Germany, 04.-05.08.2022.
M. Riedel, K. Taphorn, F. Beckmann, J. U. Hammel, F. Wilde, J. Moosmann, P. Bidola, S. Henne, F. Schwarzenberg, P. Schuetz, S. Berg, and J. Herzen
Institute for Materials Physics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany Technical University Munich, Germany INI-Fesearch GmbH, University Hamburg, Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Multiphase Flow in Porous Media - From 4D Imaging to a New Theory
Excite Workshop on Advanced X-Ray and Electron Imaging in GeoSciences - Vienna, Austria, 05.-07.09.2022.
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, J. E. McClure, M. Ruecker
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. University of New South Wales Virginia Tech. Technical University Eindhoven


Displacement stability revisited - A new criterion for the onset of viscous fingering
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysist 2022, 18.-22. September 2022, paper SCA2022-01
Mathematica notebook 1 and 2
J. G. Maas, N. Springer, A. Hebing, S. Berg
PanTerra Geoconsultants B.V.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Advanced Digital-SCAL measurements of gas trapped in sandstone
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysist 2022, 18.-22. September 2022, paper SCA2022-02
Y. Gao, T. Sorop, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, A. Coorn, M. Appel, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Non-equilibrium theory for non-ergodic systems based on time-and-space averaging
75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics session L23, abstract L23.00005
J. McClure, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong
Virginia Tech.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales


Derivation of 2-Phase Darcy for Stationary Flow from the Pore Scale Fluctuation's Energy Dynamics
5th National Workshop of Porous Media, Norwegian InterPore Chapter, Trondheim, Norway, December 1, 2022.
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, J. McClure
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.


From the energy dynamics of pore scale fluctuations to the 2-phase Darcy equations
Informal Workshop on Upscaling, NTNU, May 1-3, 2023
S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, J. McClure
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales
Virginia Tech.


Derivation of 2-Phase Darcy from the Pore Scale Energy Dynamics using Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
InterPore 2023 Conference, May 22-25, Edinburgh, Scotland., MS06-A, abstract 262 (talk)
J. McClure, M. Fan, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, C. F. Berg, Z. Li, T. Ramstad
Virginia Tech.
Oak Ridge National Lab
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. University of New South Wales
Norwegian Technical University
Australian National University


The Uncertainty of Unsteady-State Relative Permeability Measurement Protocols
InterPore 2023 Conference, May 22-25, Edinburgh, Scotland., MS14, abstract 471 (poster)
S. Berg, E. Unsal, H. Dijk
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Trapping Behavior of Gases from 3D Pore Scale Imaging
InterPore 2023 Conference, May 22-25, Edinburgh, Scotland., MS06-A, abstract 517 (talk)
Y. Gao, T. Sorop, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, K. de Borst, R. Farajzadeh, M. Appel, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Spatial moment analysis of single-species transport in unidirectional laboratory tracer tests
InterPore 2023 Conference, May 22-25, Edinburgh, Scotland. abstract 77 (poster)
A. S. Bhullar, T. Kurotori, A. Fadili, C. Taberner, S. Berg, R. Pini
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Spatial microporosity mapping in meso-scale rock samples by X-Ray Computed Tomography
InterPore 2023 Conference, May 22-25, Edinburgh, Scotland. abstract 330 (poster)
J. C. Roa Perez, S. Berg, C. Taberner, A. Fadili, R. Pini
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Inverse modelling of core flood experiments for predictive odels of sandstone and carbonate rocks
InterPore 2023 Conference, May 22-25, Edinburgh, Scotland.MS06-A, abstract 611 (talk)
S. An, S. KRevor, R. Pini, S. Berg, C. Taberner, N. Wenck, S. Manoorkar, N. Darraj
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Derivation of A Representative Elementary Volume (REV) for Upscaled Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 9-12, 2023. Paper SCA2023-012
J. E. McClure, M. Fan, S. Berg, R. T. Armstrong, C. F. Berg, Z. Li, T. Ramstad
Virginia Tech
Oak Ridge National Lab
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
University of New South Wales
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Australian National University


CO2 Storage in Carbonates: Saturation Changes and Trapping in Edwards Brown Dolomote
CCUS - SPE - AAPG - SEG, Houston, Texas, 11-13 March 2024
N. Darraj, S. Manoorkar, C. Spurin, S. Berg, C. Taberner, M. Blunt, R. Pini, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Ghent University
Stanford University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


A multi-scale approach to characterize wetting within a porous medium
87. Annual Meeting of DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Berlin, 21.03.2024
M. Rücker, R. T. Armstrong, C. Sun, . Mostaghimi, S. Berg, P. Luckham, A. Georgiadis, J. E. McClure
TU Eindhoven
University of New South Wales
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. Imperial College London
Virginia Tech


Pore-Scale Dynamics in Carbonate Reservoirs: Understanding Heterogeneity's Influence on CO2 Storage in Indiana Limestone
InterPore 2024 Conference, Qingdao, China, 13-16 May 2024, MS01-744
N. Darraj, S. Manoorkar, C. Spurin, S. Berg, C. Taberner, M. Blunt, R. Pini, S. Krevor
Imperial College London
Ghent University
Stanford University
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


Viscous Fingering in CCS? Criterium for Instability Onset and Wavelength relevant for CCS
Towards Net Zero (TNZ) Seminar, Imperial College London, 17.05.2024
S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.

Thesis, Competitions and Awards, Arts and Outreach

S. Berg
Universität des Saarlandes
Versuchsführung und Informationsumfang der Brewsterwinkel-Spektroskopie im Vergleich zur Externen Reflexions-Absorptions-Spektroskopie
(Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy on Thin Organic Films: ERAS versus Brewster angle spectroscopies)
Diplomarbeit, Fachbereich Werkstoffwissenschaften, Technische Fakultät, Universität des Saarlandes, 1998, outline


S. Berg
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Kontaktmechanik mit Quarzresonatoren
(Contact Mechanics with Quartz Crystal Resonators)
Dissertation, Fachbereich Physik, Universität Mainz, 2002, PDF
Logos Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-8325-0091-X


S. Berg, E.A. Adelizzi, S.M. Troian
Princeton University
Falling Snow and Lava Plumes: Drainage of Soap Films
Gallery of Fluid Motion, winning contribution, APS meeting, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 11/2003

Arts of Science 2006, Princeton University
soap in motion - soap film hurricane


R. Register, S. Berg
Science Expo for Mercer County students and teachers, 2005


S. Berg
Emmy Noether-Stipend of the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for an independent research group on Thin liquid films
but did not accept the stipend due to very unclear career perspective in German academia


S. Berg, N. Brussee, K. Ganga
Shell International Exploration and Production
Spreading between Fluids
Gallery of Fluid Motion, 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Salt Lake City, Nov 18-20, 2007.


S. Berg, A. W. Cense, E. Jansen, K. Bakker
Shell International Exploration and Production / Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk
best paper award at the Society of Core Analysts 2009 annual meeting for paper SCA2009-12


R. T. Armstrong, C. H. Pentland, S. Berg, J. Hummel, D. Lichau, L. Bernard
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Visualization Sciences Group
best poster award at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) held in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 27-30 August 2012 for paper paper SCA2012-55


A. Makurat, F. Marcelis, J. Coenen, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Rijksmuseum: Ontdekkingen uit een kunstlab Shell Venster, 2013


D. Koroteev, O. Dinariev, N. Evseev, D. Klemin, A. Nadeev, S. Safonov, O. Gurpinar, S. Berg, C. van Kruijsdijk, R. Armstrong, M. T. Myers, L. Hathon, H. de Jong
Schlumberger Moscow Research
Schlumberger Reservoir Characterization Group, Denver
Shell Global Solutions International
Direct Hydrodynamic Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock
Young Professional Best Paper Award at International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Napa Valley, California, USA, 16-19 September 2013 paper SCA2013-014


S. Berg, M. Rücker, R. Amstrong, A. Georgiadis, H. Ott, L. Leu, M. Wolf, F. Khan, F. Enzmann, M. Kersten
Shell Global Solutions International
Geosciences Institute, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
best paper award at the Society of Core Analysts 2014 annual meeting for paper SCA2014-022


S. Berg
Recipient of the Interpore Rosette 2014


S. Berg, S. Oedai, D. W. van Batenburg, K. Elewaut, D. M. Boersma, E. M. Ineke
Visualization of ASP core flood experiments with X-ray CT imaging
EAGE 18th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, paper B12, Dresden, 14-16.4.2015 - Best Paper Award
Shell Global Solutions International


S. Berg
SPE Journal 2015 Outstanding Technical Editor Award
Shell Global Solutions International


S. Berg
SPE Journal 2016 Outstanding Technical Editor Award
Shell Global Solutions International


S. Berg
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 2016 Outstanding Technical Editor Award
Shell Global Solutions International


J.E. McClure, M.A. Berill, M. Rücker, S. Schlüter, S. Berg
best paper award at the Society of Core Analysts 2016 annual meeting for paper SCA2016-009 “Flow Regimes During Immiscible Displacement”


Upscaling of Digital Rock Porosities by Correlation with Whole Core CT Scan Histograms
SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018 - best paper award
S. Hertel, M. Rydzy, B. Anger, S. Berg, M. Appel, H. de Jong
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


A New Waterflood Initialization Protocol for Pore Scale Multiphase Flow Experiments
SCA2018-032 - was awarded as one of the best papers
Society of Core Analysts 2018 Symposium, August 27-30, 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Q. Lin, B. Bijeljic, S. C. Krevor, M. J. Blunt, S. Berg, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, A. Georgiadis, O. B. Wilson
Imperial College London
Shell Global Solutions International


S. Berg
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 2017 Outstanding Technical Editor Award
Shell Global Solutions International


S. Berg
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 2018 Outstanding Technical Editor Award
Shell Global Solutions International


Determination of Critical Gas Saturation by Micro-CT
2019 Annual Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Aug 25-29, Pau, France, paper SCA2019-021 was awarded as one of the best papers
S. Berg, Y. Gao, A. Georgiadis, N. Brussee, A. Coorn, H. van der Linde, J. Dietderich, F. O. Alpak, D. Eriksen, M. Mooijer-van den Heuvel, J. Southwick, M. Appel, O. B. Wilson
Shell Global Solutions International
Imperial College London


S. Berg
SPE Journal 2020 Outstanding Technical Editor Award
Shell Global Solutions International


S. Berg
SPE A Peer Apart 2020 Award featured also in JPT
Shell Global Solutions International


Physical origin of pressure and saturation fluctuations in steady-state core floods
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysist 2021, 13.-16. September 2021, online presentation, paper SCA2021-020 - best paper award
S. Berg, H. van der Linde, N. Brussee, M. Ruecker, H. Dijk, E. Unsal, T. G. Sorop, M. Appel
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Technical University Eindhoven


Advanced Digital-SCAL measurements of gas trapped in sandstone
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysist 2022, 18.-22. September 2022, paper SCA2022-02 - best paper award
Y. Gao, T. Sorop, N. Brussee, H. van der Linde, A. Coorn, M. Appel, S. Berg
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.


InterPore Meritorious Servide Medal Award 2023
S. Berg

Data sets

Micro-CT imbibition experiment of Gildehauser sandstone, Digital Rocks Portal, 2018, doi:10.17612/P7WW95
S. Berg


A time-resolved synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography dataset of a waterflood in an altered mixed-wet Ketton limestone, Digital Rocks Portal, 2019, doi:10.17612/P7K09D
M. Ruecker


Real-Time Imaging Reveals Distinct Pore-Scale Dynamics During Transient and Equilibrium Subsurface Multiphase Flow, Paul Scherrer Institute, doi:10.16907/46a4d882-4dec-4097-8289-8f6311a4aa36
C. Spurin


The development and stability of intermittent fluid flow pathways during multiphase flow in porous media , Paul Scherrer Institute, doi:10.16907/c72b4062-b9b1-4706-8c22-a9d213b97810
C. Spurin

Open Source Projects



K. Ganga
Haagse Hogeschool / Shell International Exploration and Production
Core Cleaning Study
Graduation Project (Bachelor), January 2007


E. Jansen
Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk / Shell International Exploration and Production
Low salinity flooding - Model experiments on flat substrates
Graduation Project (Bachelor), November 2008


K. Bakker
Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk / Shell International Exploration and Production
Designer water flooding - Influence of brine salinity on oil-wetness of clay
Graduation Project (Bachelor), June 2009


D. Ilic
Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk / Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
Experimental study of the Low Salinity effect using glass plate cell
Graduation Project (Bachelor), June 2012


M. Hanyak
TU Eindhoven
Marangoni flows induced by non-uniform surfactant distributions
PhD thesis, September 2012


D. Sinz
TU Eindhoven
Surfactant induced flows in thin liquid films - An experimental study
PhD thesis, November 2012


L. Leu
Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, Germany
Image analysis of time resolved micro tomographic data from multiphase flow experiments in porous media
Diplomarbeit (master thesis), March 2013


W.-B. Bartels
Utrecht University
Investigation of low salinity waterflooding physics using model systems
master thesis, April 2013


Ryan T. Armstrong
Pore Scale Physics & Digital Rock
PostDoc, March 2012 - April 2014


M. Rücker
Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, Germany
Fast X-ray micro-tomography studies on pore scale flow regimes during imbibition and steady-state flow
October 2013 - June 2014 (internship) and June - December 2014 (master thesis)


S. de With
TU Delft
Pore Scale Flow Simulation - A Comparison of GeoDICT and OpenFOAM
student internship, September - November 2014


Robin J. Menezes
TU Delft
Impage of Temperature on Low Salinity Effect on Carbonate Rock
master thesis, September 2016


W.-B. Bartels
Utrecht University
Pore scale processes in mixed-wet systems with application to low salinity waterflooding
PhD thesis, March 2018


M. Ruecker
Imperial College London
Wettability and wettability alteration at the pore- and nano-scales
PhD thesis, July 2018


D. Jennings-Gray
Imperial College London
Machine learning micro-CT mineral segmentation using dual-energy Berea sadnstone imagery
indudstry co-advisor for MSc thesis, January 2020.


E. M. Ekanem
Imperial College London
Rheology and Adsorption of Hydrolysed Polyacrylamide Polymer in Complex Geometries
industry co-advisor for PhD thesis, December 2020.


Google Scholar Profile


Research Gate


ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-2441-7719


Web of Science Reseacher ID (former Publons)


Honored to be member of the Stanford top-2% Scientist List 2020 - list, 2023 - list




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